Closed Bug 677850 Opened 14 years ago Closed 12 years ago

create stickers for Mozilla Spaces


(Marketing :: Design, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jslater, Assigned: ltom)



(Whiteboard: due: 10/1)


(7 files)

As part of a larger plan to create unique stickers for each of the MozSpaces, let's start by creating them for the Mountain View and San Francisco offices. General design direction is that they should each be unique form factors, and should thematically resemble old-school luggage stickers (although they don't necessarily need to follow that exact design direction. Each one should represent some unique visual or cultural aspect of that city. Open issue: need to figure out the exact branding here. Do we use the term "MozSpaces" or "Mozilla Spaces" anywhere? Due date: August 26 (Stickers for Toronto, Paris, Berlin, London, Tokyo, Beijing, Auckland, etc to follow.)
(In reply to John Slater from comment #0) > As part of a larger plan to create unique stickers for each of the > MozSpaces, let's start by creating them for the Mountain View and San > Francisco offices. > > General design direction is that they should each be unique form factors, > and should thematically resemble old-school luggage stickers (although they > don't necessarily need to follow that exact design direction. Each one > should represent some unique visual or cultural aspect of that city. > > Open issue: need to figure out the exact branding here. Do we use the term > "MozSpaces" or "Mozilla Spaces" anywhere? > > Due date: August 26 > > (Stickers for Toronto, Paris, Berlin, London, Tokyo, Beijing, Auckland, etc > to follow.) One idea would be to use latitude/longitude coordinates of the office spaces on the stickers. Pretty geeky, but a QR code or those coordinates could reveal something of an easter egg with an online counterpart to them.
Would be cool if they had a sort of "collect them all" appeal to them somehow. Like once you've collected them all, they form a larger mural, or complete a QR code (as much as I don't personally like QR codes), or something like that.
What I particularly like about the luggage stickers/travel patches is that I can really envision folks wanting to collect them all and adorn their laptops :) - most Mozilla folks' suitcase-on-the-go
I iz big big big fan of the retro-inspired vintage look AND the luggage tag/stamp concept direction. I pretty much use that as inspiration for projects whenever possible! +1000
What if when all put together they created a larger image, almost like a puzzle? Or if we used some kind of collared shirt...
hehe. I was going to reference the puzzle we did at the offsite (the fun in the sun bonding activity) where you put a puzzle together to reveal a message on the back. Though, you can't do that with stickers I guess since you stick the back... but, I like the general idea. It's a little hard to implement, but perhaps we can incorporate some basic subtle elements that "connect" when pieced together. So, it could turn into a pattern (with different graphics on each frame) but the embellishments on the sides somehow connect if you put the stickers together. Little hard to do unless you add it as a bleed
Changing this bug a bit to reflect the fact that Sean has also been working on a Toronto sticker. Lee & Sean - can you post those final files for each sticker here no later than Monday morning?
Summary: MozSpace stickers for San Francisco and Mountain View → MozSpace stickers for San Francisco, Mountain View and Toronto
Hey John, Final files are here: For reference: Mountain View (5x3" rectangle) San Francisco (4" circle)
These look awesome! I would like one of each immediately. (Instantaneous printing is a thing, right?)
Yes, Matej, it's called a printer :) Clt Alt Print, or something ;) then use some tape to apply as you wish. I need some new stickers for my collection!
What is this magical device of which you speak? We truly live in an age of wonders.
hmm, tis a new innovation. May take some time before it reaches your land.
awesome! here is the Toronto version also: Before we finalize these, let's finalize a wordmark for mozilla spaces. Do we want anything else in it besides the two words? replace a letter with a door or something?
My vote would be to keep it simple since it's already part of some pretty awesome designs, but I'll let the designy folk come up with the best solution. The other question is if we want it to be Mozilla Spaces or MozSpaces, as I've also seen them referred to.
I agree, I think simplicity will work best here (especially since it's set against a cool design)
Thanks all. I think we need to do one more quick round to bring the Mozilla Spaces logos into greater parity. No work needed now, but more info coming soon.
Hey guys...quick status update here: - all 3 sticker designs are awesome. I love them, and have also gotten the thumbs up from Chris so we're good to go on that front. - but, it turns out there's a bit more work to do on the Mozilla Spaces branding front...this project is tied to some bigger picture efforts around how we present Mozilla Spaces (or potentially MozSpaces). So, I talked to Amie today and we agreed that with everything else going it would be best not to rush anything just to have these ready in time for the all-hands. We'll still get them printed soon, but with less of an asap deadline. - so, everything is basically on hold for the short term...once we have a few conversations about the Spaces brand then we'll circle back and finish this up. Small tweaks to the wordmark may be in store. Thanks all...already looking forward to the next round! I'll file a bug for Vancouver, Auckland, London, Berlin and Paris as soon as those other discussions take place.
Whiteboard: --on hold--
Reviving this one...we have an event at the new office in London coming up in early May that would be a perfect place to distribute these stickers. Anyone eager to design a London sticker? We can get the others going too. Amie, can you confirm that the branding is Mozilla Spaces?
Summary: MozSpace stickers for San Francisco, Mountain View and Toronto → create stickers for Mozilla Spaces
Whiteboard: --on hold--
Ty, do you have room in your schedule next week to tackle the London sticker? Please let me know if not, but if so we should talk a bit further. My recommendations are that it should be: - bold, graphic, visually interesting - should incorporate the spirit of London without relying on overly obvious imagery (double decker bus, Big Ben, etc) - could either represent some component of the London office (like the SF sticker), the city itself (like the Toronto sticker) or something more abstract (like the MV sticker) One free idea: do the sticker in the style of the London Underground, but instead of the tube station name we write "Mozilla" or something like that.
I was quickly brainstorming ideas for the London sticker last weekend and also thought of the London Underground... But, as much as I love the efficiency of the London Underground (and it's Mod-ish logo), would this be the equivalent of basing the SF sticker on BART? Just a consideration... :) > > One free idea: do the sticker in the style of the London Underground, but > instead of the tube station name we write "Mozilla" or something like that.
Dunno. My thought is that the Underground is a way more iconic institution than BART, and is a lot more closely associated with London than BART is with San Francisco (even in the name: *London* Underground vs *Bay Area* Rapid Transit). Am certainly open to other suggestions, though! And Lee, maybe you could take this one since you've already been thinking about it and Ty could take another? We have a few more to do, and I have a feeling once we print one set for an office everyone else is going to want them very soon after.
Hey John, Ian was saying at the office today that he's been asked to work on this. Not sure where that request came from, but it sounds like he's done some work on this already.
Ian and I have checked in already...I think we're all set.
Just to clarify a bit further, Lee is working on the London sticker. More stickers coming soon!
Also: am assigning the Paris sticker to Ty.
Hi Folks! Attaching the London Mozilla Spaces sticker here. Let me know what you think!
Re: comment #26 - LOVE IT
Comment on attachment 619603 [details] Mozilla Spaces - London sticker 01 I quite like it, with a few comments: -could we have the stop called Mozilla Spaces instead of London -if London is required maybe downplayed a lot somewhere else (the design itself is very distinctively London) -people will nitpick about the lines -lines (bakerloo (brown), waterloo I (black, jubilee (silver/gray), metropolitan (purple) are missing -also where possible (i like the artistic nature of it) pay some attention to an actual map (sorry i know but people will dissect it) ie. circle (yellow is a loop, central (red runs east to west) -perhaps ignore the comment above but add in the missing line colours somehow
Thanks Dees...appreciate the detailed input. Understood about people nitpicking the lines, colors, etc but I don't think we can or should try to make it that accurate...this isn't in any way intended to represent the Underground accurately, so hopefully people will understand that and appreciate the artistic license involved. But, perhaps Lee can make some basic tweaks (such as red running east->west) to make it more on point where possible. Also, the pattern established on these stickers is that Mozilla Spaces is the anchor brand, usually represented somewhere toward the bottom in the form of the wordmark, and the city name is featured more prominently in the design somewhere. So, am happy to discuss further but I think the way it's done here feels ok to me.
Love it as well. Nice work, Lee! Regarding comment 28, I totally get that people will nitpick about the lines and where they go, but I also want to make sure we're all seeing the shape of the dino head made by the reshaped lines. I think we have to take some artistic license here to make this look as good as possible without necessarily being 100% accurate. Since this is the London sticker, personally I like London getting the most prominence. We also can't change the font of the Mozilla Spaces workdmark, so it would probably look odd to have that inside the stop name. My only other question is if "Spaces" should be capitalized as it is in our other wordmarks. If we don't already have a standard on that to say otherwise, I would vote that it should be.
WOW! I *love* it -- nice work, Lee! With regards to comment 28 and comment 29 --> I certainly understand that we will have some nitpicking and agree with Slater that we shouldn't struggle with 100% accuracy, more that there is enough familiarity with the design that it resonates. We should also consider the audience for these will be for Mozillians is general (that applies for all spaces) and while the first batch will largely be given to London based Mozillians, very soon we will have a number of meet-ups and community events hosted in London with Mozillians visiting from all over. Regarding the Wordmark: When we first mocked up the "collect them all" sticker theme, we determined that Mozilla Spaces would be as John said, the anchor brand with an emphasis on Mozilla. The location specific name would be more prominent. I think the design captures this well, and create consistency across all our MozSpace stickers - and the branding for the program in general. I'm reaching out to London contacts today, to see if we can find a local printer to work with us on short timing. I'll need to send them a design file (even if not complete) to help gauge production time. I think these will be *awesome* and a hot commodity!
I'm so glad you guys are liking this! Thanks for all the detailed input and consideration here. Dees, I'll do my best to tweak the colored routes (contrast is tricky here, since the routes need to be a bit busy and dense, so the dino head stands out) so it feels more accurate. Is the "Spaces" in the official word-mark capitalized? I think I made it lowercase, since it might look strange next to a lowercase "mozilla" mark. Amié, let me know what you need and when, and I'll send it to you asap.
(In reply to Lee Tom from comment #32) > > Is the "Spaces" in the official word-mark capitalized? I think I made it > lowercase, since it might look strange next to a lowercase "mozilla" mark. Looking at other lockups (Firefox, Marketplace, Persona), it looks like we only have stacked versions, so I'm not sure what's correct here. Sean? John? Diddy?
Attached image mozilla spaces wordmark
Sean just sent me a wordmark file - John? Amie? Diddy? Would you say this is the Official mark?
That looks right to me.
Works for me, thanks. Lee, I think you can post the final version whenever you're able to make the tweaks mentioned earlier. Also, as a secondary priority, can you update the SF and MV versions as well? And Sean, we'll need the same for the Toronto sticker. Ty, you're still on the hook for Paris. Let me know if you want to brainstorm.
I'm all for the artistic license — i actually prefer it (was just being glass half empty and raising possible comments ;) Also there is an Orange line too (East-London). Only mention this as the Mozilla Space, London is rather orange right now.
Thanks all, Amie', attached is the art file for printers. Let me know if you have any questions or problems with the file.
Here' a link to the sticker art for Mozilla Spaces, MV, SF and UK: TRIM: Mountain View - 5"x 3" rectangle San Francisco - 3.5" circle London - 3.5" circle - I included both vector and flat Photoshop files for each sticker.
Awesome, thanks Lee. Sean, please post the art files for the Toronto sticker as well. (two notes: it should be about the same size as the ones in comment #39 if it's not already, and it should have the latest & greatest wordmark) Ty, you're up next for Paris.
This one has a bit more local history in it.
Adding hillzy to get the Toronto sticker printed. Final files are in comment 41.
John, hillzy also mentioned getting a Vancouver sticker made. Is that something we could get someone on?
Pinging here. Hillzy, is there anything I can do to help getting the Toronto sticker printed? John, what do you think about getting someone to design a Vancouver sticker?
(In reply to Matej Novak [:matej] from comment #45) > John, what do you think about getting someone to design a Vancouver sticker? Yes, definitely. We should finish the Paris one first, though.
(In reply to Matej Novak [:matej] from comment #45) > Pinging here. > > Hillzy, is there anything I can do to help getting the Toronto sticker > printed? > > John, what do you think about getting someone to design a Vancouver sticker? Hey Matej, My apologies for the delay - wondering about dimensions + material of the sticker + quantity + approx budget Thanks, hillzy
(In reply to Hilary Hall [:hillzy] from comment #47) > > My apologies for the delay - wondering about dimensions + material of the > sticker + quantity + approx budget John, who could advise on this? Who handled the printing of the London stickers?
(In reply to Matej Novak [:matej] from comment #48) > (In reply to Hilary Hall [:hillzy] from comment #47) > > > > My apologies for the delay - wondering about dimensions + material of the > > sticker + quantity + approx budget > > John, who could advise on this? Who handled the printing of the London > stickers? Amie handled that. But even without including her, if you worked with a reputable print vendor in Toronto I'm sure they could help recommend the right material and ensure the proper quality. The dimensions should be in the file itself, and the quantity is up to you guys.
(In reply to John Slater from comment #49) > (In reply to Matej Novak [:matej] from comment #48) > > (In reply to Hilary Hall [:hillzy] from comment #47) > > > > > > My apologies for the delay - wondering about dimensions + material of the > > > sticker + quantity + approx budget > > > > John, who could advise on this? Who handled the printing of the London > > stickers? > > Amie handled that. But even without including her, if you worked with a > reputable print vendor in Toronto I'm sure they could help recommend the > right material and ensure the proper quality. > > The dimensions should be in the file itself, and the quantity is up to you > guys. Thanks, John. I'm guessing the printer will have minimum quantities. I'd say 100 or 200 to start would probably be good.
Blocks: 781909
STATUS UPDATE >> done: * mountain view: * san francisco: * toronto: * london: >> need: * auckland * beijing * paris * tokyo * vancouver * taipei >> question: * should we add berlin?
We should definitely do Berlin - we have a temp space now and will have a perm location in coming months. Likewise - want to flag that we'll likely need a Portland sticker as it looks like we're moving to a perm space there in the future. (timing still very much tbd) Not urgent, but wanted to put on the radar. /a
Designer assignments: w00t w00t: Vancouver, Beijing - SEAN Paris, Berlin, Taipei - TY Tokyo, Auckland - LEE
DUE OCTOBER 1ST !! fun fun fun
Whiteboard: due: 10/1
hey all. what is the rough ETA for these designs? how is 10/5 or 10/8 as a new deadline? I'm almost there. Just need to check Beijing with someone actually from there. Vancouver seems to be approved.
Finalizing the last few details of the PARIS sticker:
Running this through to Gen and finalizing Tokyo shortly:
Nice work all. General note: before we finalize these, please be sure to run them by at least one trusted person in that locale. When doing so, be sure they understand that we're not trying to capture *all* aspects of their city, but we do want to get a local perspective to make sure the art feels right, isn't accidentally offensive or off base, etc. If you need suggestions on who to contact I'd be glad to advise.
The Paris one is looking nice, but here are a few quick thoughts: - we'll need to add the Mozilla Spaces wordmark (I'm guessing you're already on top of that one) - would be cool if we could add some sort of Mozilla-related easter egg or design element...a dino head shape or Firefox logo in there somewhere. - can we play around with the shape of the sticker a bit? For example, in this case it would seem to lend itself to an oval cut pretty nicely. That would separate it from the other stickers, and it wouldn't seem to affect the content very much. I'd encourage you to play around with something like that...
These are all looking amazing. Nice work! One question about the Tokyo sticker: Should it say Tokyo somewhere on it in Roman characters, even if it's really small, or does it matter? I love it as it is now, but wondering if we have a position on that or whether we need to create some kind of rule going forward.
I personally don't think we need the name of the city in Roman characters if it's obvious from the design (which I think this one is).
Good question/consideration, Matej. I agree with John that if the city is really obvious from the graphics, we should not need that rule. Speaking of the Tokyo sticker, Gen had asked me to confirm with Amie that Tokyo is indeed considered a Mozilla Space. "I don't know that we are moving offices and it's not designed as a Mozilla Space."
Attached image Mozilla Spaces - Paris
Made a few changes to the design based on John's feedback.
Awesome sticker, Ty!
Hey guys, here is the status I see... please confirm: >>Done: * Paris - done * Vancouver - done * Toronto - done >>Waiting for approval: * Tokyo - needs design approval * Beijing - needs design approval >>Outstanding: * Berlin * Taipei * Auckland what is the ETA on the above 3 ?
Auckland kiwi road-sign sticker
I LERV IT! (But no Hobbits? I'm a little disappointed.)
Giant Kiwis are Hobbits' horses...? I just got approval from Robert O'Callahan (our NZ Moz wizard.) NZ is good to go.
Just curious what the steps are to get the actual stickers now that they're designed so beautifully. Are these being printed in a central location? It would be great to have some for the office here.
Hi Karen. Thanks for the kind words! We were hoping to get the final few stickers created before unveiling them to the whole org. However, that work has been held up by more pressing projects, so we may need to reconsider. Our preferred method would be to have local firms handle the printing for each office. We already have the MV and SF ones ready to go. How much of a priority is this for you? And it would be nice to have a contact person on the People team to coordinate details with...should that be you or Amie? I've also been working with her on this. Thanks!
I think Amie is still handling the MozSpace stuff, so we should check in with her. I wonder if the stickers could be available on the MozGear site? (through Staples) I'll ask Kate Nazradi who is in charge of the gear store. Oh, and not a huge priority. Just a nice-to-have. :)
Got it, thanks Karen. I'll stay in touch with Amie on this subject then. And re: the Gear Store, I'm working on it with Kate (and others), so you can ping me with any questions you might have. My initial sense is that making these available in the gear store probably is more trouble than it's worth...would rather just give a box to the front desk coordinator in each office as a starting point.
Hola! We've run out of our London Stickers here at MozLDN. Where would I go about ordering a ton more?
(In reply to from comment #75) > Hola! We've run out of our London Stickers here at MozLDN. Where would I go > about ordering a ton more? I believe Amie ordered them locally when we had the London office grand opening earlier this year. She can advise on the vendor...
Don't see a sticker for the upcoming Berlin office. But here's the sticker for the next office after that.
(In reply to Richard A Milewski[:richard] from comment #77) > Created attachment 731918 [details] > Mozspace sticker Bradbury Landing > > Don't see a sticker for the upcoming Berlin office. > > But here's the sticker for the next office after that. To infinity and beyond!
How do we get the file for these to get some printed for our sites?
Hey Karen. I'll ping you outside the bug...probably requires a quick discussion.
I thought we were also going to offer these as part of the gear store? For gear reps to be able to order for their spaces? Is that still happening?
Not intended to be part of the gear store, no.
Hey guys, just checking in... are we done with all the stickers or do we have more to do?
I don't remember seeing Berlin or Taipei. Are those still in the works? Should we do one for Portland as well?
We held on Portland as it was still a temp space - given we will be launching a permanent Space in June/July - we should kick off the design for that one now. Would be good to do one for Taipei as well. Berlin we will need to do a sticker for as well, though we won't launch that space until at least Q4 this year - so Berlin is less urgent at this point.
We're not done. I've also been talking to Karen Esterly from WPR about this program and general and it's about to get a little more organized (thanks to her). Stay tuned...
I would encourage incorporating the Flag of Portland into a Portland MozSpace Sticker due to its association with Portland.,_Oregon
Closing this bug as we have a very solid initial batch of sticker artwork (thanks to all who contributed), and the WPR team is on top of getting them printed and distributed. Will file location-specific new bugs for future needs. For example, the Portland sticker is being addressed at bug 892878.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: 1030772
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